
I never wanted to preach. It wasn’t something that had ever been on my radar. Yet, for the past four months I’ve been delivering messages at church. I’m reminded of the words of Paul, “the least of these.” Many men…

Christian enthusiasm.

Legalism is a heck of a drug. I grew up around a lot of it. It rears its head in many ways. Religious Legalism is brought about by fear. What I have coined as “Christian Enthusiasm” is brought about by…


I played a fair number of video games growing up. I enjoy the media as an entertainment platform. One of my favorites was SimCity. As my wife and I have come to the realization that we’ll never be wealthy, we’ve…

The abyss of aging.

Another year in my 40s is coming to a close.  I used to enjoy the holidays.  I gave a short message at church recently. The message was an adult version of “What I did on my summer vacation” but was…


I often wonder what it is like to find your vocation. I haven’t. Obviously, based on my first statement. I’ve been pursuing “vocation” my entire adolescence into adulthood. The first thing I ever wanted to do was raise chickens and…

2024 Election.

Pixels are cheap. I don’t need to spend any money on ink to write this. Good. There’s no way I have any insightful things to say beyond what has been expressed so far. American Christians have been granted a mercy…


I often joke that most people wake up with about 80% patience for the day. I wake up in a deficit. -5% if I’m lucky. This lack of patience makes the homesteading life difficult because I don’t like waiting for…

Limited time.

We live with limited time. God has our end in sight. While He is sovereign, we’re called to the duty of living lives honoring Him. A while back, I got into a bit of a disagreement with someone over politics.…

Strange weather.

Minnesota has had an odd winter. It’s been warm. Not a lot of snow. Been good for us having moved into the tiny house. Easy to adjust. Strange happenings brings out the crazy in people. One one hand, the environmental…

Cessationism vs Continuationism.

I tend to be very much in the “Reformed” camp of thinking. I’ve joked that if I were to get tattoos, I would get the 5 Solas of the Reformation tattooed on my left fingers and the five points of…