
Everyone gets depressed. I’m not special because it happens to me once in a while.

Every few months, I end up in a low. I’m there now. I just got done burning the midnight oil to produce a sermon, dealt with -30 degree weather for a few days, lost a goat to my own stupidity, trying to catch up on a class; alongside the usual of planning for the garden, ordering seeds and plants, working full time, and generally trying to figure out what I’m doing with my life.

I need a break but I don’t how know to break anymore. I don’t know if this is something with people my age; I haven’t run into a lot of people who deal with the same problem. I cannot relax. It simply isn’t in me. There is no activity or rest that I can partake in that will lead to that peaceful exhalation of the soul. It just doesn’t happen for me.

As I’m working on soap tonight, I should start some more shared files on our server so we have information we need about each recipe. I couldn’t remember what I’d used for coloring in the Rosemary Mint recipe.

The question then rears its head: have you prayed about it?

Of course not.

That would have been the easy thing to do.

Oh, Jesse, when will you learn?