Category After Damascus

What life looks like after the blinding light of the Damascus road.


I never wanted to preach. It wasn’t something that had ever been on my radar. Yet, for the past four months I’ve been delivering messages at church. I’m reminded of the words of Paul, “the least of these.” Many men…

Limited time.

We live with limited time. God has our end in sight. While He is sovereign, we’re called to the duty of living lives honoring Him. A while back, I got into a bit of a disagreement with someone over politics.…

Cessationism vs Continuationism.

I tend to be very much in the “Reformed” camp of thinking. I’ve joked that if I were to get tattoos, I would get the 5 Solas of the Reformation tattooed on my left fingers and the five points of…

No stuttering.

I often say that “the Bible doesn’t stutter.” I usually state this in response to the idea that the more challenging statements in Scripture can be negated by comparing them to your feelings. Another thing I often say is that…

Knowing God. Ch. 3

The men’s group at our church is going through J.I. Packer’s Knowing God. I haven’t read anything by Packer, but I’m aware that he edited the ESV Study Bible (which I have) and he was close with John Piper, whom…

Going Through Hebrews.

One of the topics that I’ve done a bit of study on, and continue to look at closely, is the relationship between the Church and ethnic Israel. Whenever I attend any Q&A, I always ask the presenter what the relationship…

Thoughts on Calvin.

I’m often asked if I’m a Calvinist when I have theological conversations. I joke that I’m so enamored with Reformed Christianity that I’d thought about getting the Five Solas tattooed on one hand, and TULIP tattooed on the other. But,…